Arithmetic has never been my favorite subject.  Until now.
I really hope my math teachers wore outfits like this in their off hours. 

How to find stylish outfits at affordable prices?

Thrift store + DSW + Old Navy sale rack = outfit I can love even more now because I only paid $28 for it.

FOUND this Levi's denim jacket with faux fur collar at a thrift store in Wisconsin.
Why someone would part with it, I have no idea!!!

Levi's Denim JACKET:   $3.00

THE ODE to lingerie dress is from Old Navy. Sale rack.

DRESS:  $5.00

Gold necklace that feels both rock n roll and 70's. How does it do that?
Found this at my favorite Goodwill concept store in Minneapolis:  Second Debut.

Gold NECKLACE:  $10.00

OBLIGATORY back shot.  We're all curious, so just accept it.

AND TO TOP it all off, or should I say bottom?  The boots.

The boots are Matisse.  They were originally $270.  I found them at DSW.

When I first spotted these boots, it was down a long windy aisle where another young lady was struggling to get them onto her foot.  Alas, her foot, a wee bit too large, was unable to jam itself in.  She lovingly placed them back into their beautiful box and after one last glance, she walked away.

Cast aside, I quietly swooped in.  As I slipped into them, ever so carefully (they are really tall! and take patience!)  I witnessed her sadness from afar.  But, in the end, she knows they are going to a good home.  I wonder if that made her feel better?

Sorry bout that, sister.

BOOTS:  $10!!!!!!!!!!   On sale.  Yep.

 Thank you, boot God.