DVF tank top for a pretty little price.
Thank you Diane von Furstenberg for perfecting pretty.

Anytime I see DVF in a thrift or resale store I pause for a moment of silence...
honor to the fashion Gods, hoping it will fit.

She's a silky little top that feels dressy. I will have to dress it up on another occasion.

TOP: $6.00

Oh, pink little bow, you make me ladylike today.

Obligatory back shot.
Jeans are Heatherette.  These masters of fashion funk sure now how to fit a jean.
Got them on sale at Macy's.

The other awesome find?  Cropped jacket.

Cropped jackets are another little trick I like to employ to create emphasis at the waist.

And, "Oh yea!" I have a little cropped jacket that Madonna would be proud of.
Hello eighties shoulders, I have missed you.

If you have not had a chance to hit Len Druskin in Minneapolis, you must. Great, on trend, items at really fair prices.

JACKET: $10.00

SHOES! Awwww.

These shoes.  They are hot pink and have circles on them that are very reminiscent of the beautiful pink flowers in the shirt.

Funny thing, I have two pairs of very hot pink shoes and had a hard time deciding.
I thought of these instantly.  From Sky Blue Pink in Burbank, CA.

SHOES: $10.00

I love lady stuff!